Published On: May 4, 2022

They Aren’t Saying It To Your Face For a Reason

I still can't believe Cheng seriously considered letting Xiu Mei travel with Kenji. Not the most responsible of parental figures.

6 thoughts on “They Aren’t Saying It To Your Face For a Reason

  1. Xiu Mei, I imagine, might be a great medium of responsibility between her, Rei and Kenji.

    1. Ryan Gindlesperger

      She’d at least be a voice of reason to call out “Are you nuts? Hell no!”

  2. Kenji seems to be willing to buckle down and take some responsibility at this point…

    1. Ryan Gindlesperger

      He’s definitely come around a bit.

  3. I have a feeling that if he was to commit to the bit Kenji would be a pretty good teacher.

    1. Ryan Gindlesperger

      Rei questionably benefited from that.

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