Tag: animated
Rei clumsily sits a salad bowl on the table as part of breakfast. Grandpa seems grumpy about Rei's fingers touching the salad (so picky). Min is givin' her the cautious eyeball.
Min watches suspiciously as Rei and Kenji do dishes.
Rei passes by Min's window. Min happened to be sitting on top of her dresser reading by the light from that same window and watches Rei pass.
PANEL FOUR: (animated)
Min hops from the window to follow Rei, but makes a crunching noise as she lands, which Rei notices.
Rei turns and says, "Hi!" scaring Min, who had thought she was being stealthy.
1. Xiu Mei brings her raised foot from the previous comic down in an axe kick. Rei side-steps this attack.
Rei: Not a bad follow-up.
2. Xiu Mei continues the attack with a punch which is also avoided by Rei continuing to lean backward.
Rei: Oop!
3. Xiu Mei continues to press her assault with an elbow press. Rei avoids this as well by continuing to lean backwards.
Rei: *snrk*
Xiu Mei grabs Rei by her bangs.
Rei: Oh... Oops.
Xiu Mei pulls Rei forward by her hair as she drives a knee into Rei's stomach.
Min Hua: Point Lin!
Grandpa Lin and Min Hua glare at Kenji as he laughs uncontrollably.
Xiu Mei, still holding Rei by her shirt, says, "Oh really?"
She then lifts and throws Rei over her shoulder, maintaining her hold to increase the speed of Rei's descent.
Rei, having grabbed onto Xiu Mei's hand, stops her fall short by planting her feet early.
Then, Rei takes advantage of the tattered nature of her shirt by tearing it off, removing Xiu Mei's hold on her.
Rei then reaches up, grabs Xiu Mei by her collar while she's surprised and flips over and on top of her.
Xiu Mei seems to have enjoyed the exchange, which aggravates Min Hua.
Thank you again. I've found the problem, so hopefully this won't be an issue again.
It did the small thing again
OIC, thanks. Is the Meanie’s flame different from Sare’s, since it’s black in color?
That's the purple meanie wearing Derrick Franklin's skin. Not exactly a competitor, more like an antagonist.
Wait a sec… are those flames on the guy’s hand in panel 4? Does Sare have competition?