Published On: September 11, 2024

No Negative Side Effects

Ash's hair is really growing out.

6 thoughts on “No Negative Side Effects

  1. ooh, now THAT’s a critter.

  2. Holy Crud! Is that Sare as the Four-legged Beast-Thing?!? That would be one hell of a ‘downside’!!
    Remind them about the goose that laid the Golden Egg!!

    1. Ryan Gindlesperger

      xD She’s definitely not the Not-Deer

  3. Love the blurring effect on the Beast-Thing BTW.

  4. First panel, haven’t seen Sarah light up with blue fire across her head and back and forearm. Maybe she’s concentrating extra hard? Thinking of Godzilla’s lit-up back scales all of a sudden.

    1. Ryan Gindlesperger

      I love the idea of the Godzilla glow, but she’s just making sure she burns out all the potentially collected radiation. She’s played with this before.

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