Published On: May 11, 2022

Controlling the Narrative

I know I'm just passing on the story, but I still feel pretty rough about this...

11 thoughts on “Controlling the Narrative

  1. Min Hua is extra cute in ruffled hair…

    Not sure what the purple people pooper is doing here… is he mixing up the conversations in order to confuse Xiu Mei?

    1. Ryan Gindlesperger

      He’s plucking out the parts he doesn’t want Xiu Mei to hear.
      I see how that can be confusing. Something to come back to.


    1. The tears are very subtle, and very powerful.

  3. I am so very confused about what Xiu Mei is actually hearing. Th White? The purple? Both? I seem to be missing something and this Page makes little sense to me.

    1. Ryan Gindlesperger

      She’s only hearing the white and the purple parts are what’s being taken away/blocked.

      I’ll have to figure out a better way to do this.

  4. Ryan Gindlesperger

    He’s plucking out the parts he doesn’t want Xiu Mei to hear.
    I see how that can be confusing. Something to come back to.

  5. Ryan, the comment reply bug got me again, this is in reply to how the purple boxes are confusing… maybe if it was purple lines instead of a purple box at about 80% opacity, overlaid over the text, but at the same color as the purple meanie… like if he was actively blocking it off but at 80% opacity (that’s a guess, son) we would be able to make out what Cheng is saying but it would make it clear Xiu Mei *isn’t* hearing it because of the purple meanie.

    1. Ryan Gindlesperger

      That’s actually the plan Ari came up with too, so fingers crossed!
      Been spending too much time on button designs to get to this just yet, but that’s likely the way it’ll get changed.

    2. Ryan Gindlesperger

      Also, the comment system in general is… kinda a mess.

  6. This is an amazing way to show this kind of manipulation. Awesome!

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