Rei immediately starts the fight with the same rising kick Xiu Mei used earlier. Xiu Mei manages to sway back far enough to avoid it but both her and Min Hua look surprised.
Rei follows up with another kick which Xiu Mei used earlier.
Xiu Mei: This is...!
Min Hua watches in confusion.
Min: That's our style! But... That... doesn't make any sense. I thought...
Rei catches Xiu Mei with the same leg sweep that Xiu Mei had started their match with.
Xiu Mei: Whoa!
3 thoughts on “Third Point and Match”
Zar Kane the Wookie
Using ones own style against them when they don’t expect you to know it will catch them off guard. Rei confused Xiu Mei by using her own style even thow she only was mincing what she had seen in the fight.
Ryan Gindlesperger
That’s Rei’s game.
All-Purpose Guru
So, did Rei just pick up the Lin style from watching Xiu Mei? Or has Kenji taught her some of it himself before now?
I know Rei’s a prodigy, but she’s not an machine powered by Thorsen Memory Tubes.